Automated Liquid Handling
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Liquid Handling

Introduction to Automated Liquid Handling The VERSA systems employ two types of robotic arm function: liquid handling and plate transport. With these two types of arms and various liquid handling modules...

VERSA Series This versatile single-arm workstation brings automation into small laboratory spaces. With it's nanolitre to milliliter pipetting and customization capabilities...

VERSA 10 Compact Workstation The VERSA 10 Compact Workstation addresses the needs of research groups requiring high throughput liquid handling automation from a small bench top workstation. By combining an 8 channel manifold with a compact, 6 position deck, this workstation enables researchers to carry out large projects even when located in a fume hood or other similar areas with limited space.

VERSA PCR The VERSA 110 PCR Carousel Setup is a small, automated liquid handling workstation designed to perform virtually every task for setting up PCR reactions...

VERSA Nucleic Acid Prep The VERSA 110 NAP/PCR Setup is a small, automated liquidhandling workstation designed to perform virtually every task for nucleic acid preparation...

VERSA Liquid-liquid Extraction The VERSA 110 Liquid-Liquid Extraction workstation is a small, automated liquid handling workstation designed to perform liquid-liquid extraction...

VERSA Solid Phase Extraction The VERSA solid phase extraction workstation is equipped with a positive pressure/vacuum system and a heating block/shaker (optional) that provides efficient solid phase extraction in industry standard 1, 3, and 6 mL SPE cartridges, and 96 well microplates.

VERSA Sample Processing Aurora’s automated Environmental Sample Processing Workstation is capable of aspirating environmental samples from tall tubes and dispensing them to specially designed recipient racks or carousels, including targets such as Konelab cuvettes.

VERSA Vial Filling Aurora’s VERSA™ 110 Vial Filling Workstation is designed to meet or exceed these requirements for dispensing reagents or free flowing to low viscosity liquids into different types of containers in volumes ranging from the size of sub-microliter to milliliter.

VERSA Spot Printing Aurora’s VERSA™ Spot Printing Workstation is an automated liquid handling platform, capable of performing automatic pipetting for sub-microliter dispensing and arraying applications in either contact or non-contact printing applications.

VERSA GENE The VERSA GENE workstation is designed to automate nucleic acid extraction and PCR set up for end point or real time PCR. Offering high precision...

VERSA Cap Piercing Aurora’s VERSA™ Cap Piercing Workstation is an automated liquid handling workstation designed to perform closed tube sampling and automate sample transfer protocols.

VERSA ELISA ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) is used for the detection of small quantities of target compound in liquid or viscous solutions such as serum, urine, cellular supernatant, wine and milk...

VERSA NGLP Next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies are emerging as a powerful means for providing gigabases of genetic information in a single run. The increase in throughput and reduction in sequencing costs have revolutionized genomic research...

Accessories & Modules Aurora Instruments's custom HEPA Filtered Hood, allows researchers to maintain a clean work area during all of its automated liquid handling processes...

Pipette Tips & Consumables Available models include sterile, non-sterile and sterile filtered pipette tips. These tips range in volume from 10 μL to 1000 μL, perfectly complementing VERSA‘s industry leading small volume dispensing....

Liquid Handling Applications The VERSA Series of liquid-handling workstations are being used in many sectors for a variety of applications. The versatility of the many liquid-handling heads...

1. Automated System for High Throughput PCR Setup

2. Genomic DNA Isolation from Blood (Promega)

3. β-Actin and Whole Genome Amplification (Sigma & Promega kits)

4. Nucleic Acid Prep for Avian Flu Viral RNA

5. HTS Flux Assay Automation

6. Liquid-Liquid Extraction of β-carotene

7. Specimen Staining for TEM (Array printing)

8. High-Density Peptide Array Printing

9. DNA Isolation from Saliva (Invitek Forensic DNA Isolation Kit)

10. Hot-Start PCR using VERSA Mini PCR Workstation

11. Food Safety Monitoring using VERSA Mini NAP Workstation

12. Automation of Sample Preparation and Introduction into NMR Tubes

13. Validation of Automated Liquid-Liquid Extraction of 25-hydroxy vitamin D

14. Automation of On-Slide (Amplislide) PCR Setup using VERSA™ Mini PCR Setup Workstation

15. Automated Protein Crystallography Plate Setup using VERSA™ Mini

16. VERSA™ Spotter Workstation for Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis

17. Automated Slide-Based Assay Setup using VERSA™ Mini Workstation

18. Automation of Sanger Sequencing

19. Automation of Protein Crystallography

20. Automation of Miniprep

21. Automation of DNA Microarray

22. Automation of Next Generation Sequencing

23. Automation of RNA Sequencing

24. Automation of Real time PCR

25. Automation of Reverse Transcriptase PCR

26. PCR Setup

27. Automation of DNA Extraction

28. Automation of Protein Purification

REAGENTS - PCR Fluorescence Probing Aurora offers PCR Fluorescence Probing Reagent Kits.

1. Chlamydia Trachomatis Diagnostic Kit(PCR-Fluorescence Probing)

2. Swine Influenza A virus H1N1 Diagnostic Kit (RNA PCR-Fluorescence Probing)

3. Human Papillomavirus Type 6 and 11 Diagnostic Kit (PCR-Fluorescence Probing)

4. Human Papillomavirus Type 16 and 18 Diagnostic Kit (PCR-Fluorescence Probing)

5. Herpes Simplex Virus II Diagnostic Kit (PCR-Fluorescence Probing)

6. Mycoplasma Pneumonia Diagnostic Kit (PCR-Fluorescence Probing)

7. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Diagnostic Kit (PCR-Fluorescence Probing)

REAGENTS - DNA / RNA Extraction Aurora offers High-Throughput Extraction and Isolation Kits.

1. Sequencing/PCR Clean Up Magnetic Binding Dye Terminator Kit / Magnetic Binding PCR Purification Kit

2. Isolation from Blood AB96 Magnetic Binding Blood DNA Kit / AB96 Filter Column Binding Blood DNA Kit / Magnetic Binding Blood Lysis Kit (10 mL)

3. Isolation from Tissue AB96 Filter Column Binding Tissue DNA Kit / AB96 Magnetic Binding Tissue DNA Kit

4. Isolation from Forensic Samples AB96 Magnetic Binding Forensic DNA Kit - Isolation of genomic DNA from forensic case samples with paramagnetic beads

5. Plasmid Isolation AB96 Filter Column Binding Plasmid DNA Kit / AB96 Filter Column Binding Plasmid DNA Kit / AB96 Filter Column Binding BAC/PAC DNA Kit

6. Isolation from RNA AB96 Filter Column Binding RNA Kit / AB96 Magnetic Binding RNA Kit / AB96 Magnetic Binding FFPE RNA Kit

Elemental Analysis

Introduction to Elemental Analysis is a process where a sample of material (eg. soil, waste or drinking water, bodily fluids, minerals, chemical compounds) is analyzed for its...

Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Current industry demands require that elemental analyses embody higher precision, higher sensitivity, and lower detection limits...

TRACE AI500 - Atomic Absorption Spectrometer The TRACE 500 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer is specifically designed with low-budget users in mind but without sacrificing performance quality...

TRACE AI1200 - Atomic Absorption Spectrometer Combining the TRACE AI1200 with our unique Vapour/Hydride generator (F/VG or F/GF/VG configurations) extremely low detection limits may be achieved.

TRACE 1300 - Atomic Absorption Spectrometer he TRACE 1300 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer is a high performance atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS) designed for many applications requiring a high quality precision...

LUMINA 3300 - Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy The LUMINA 3300 Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer provides elemental analysis solutions for sub trace detection of hydride-forming elements.

Microwave Digestion Systems Microwave Digestion offers high-pressure and temperature systems in order to increase reaction rates and decrease digestion times for sample preparation for trace metal analysis.

TRANSFORM 680 - Microwave Digestion System The TRANSFORM 680 Microwave Digestion System is a top-loading, closed vessel microwave digester with high-pressure capabilities to enhance digestion quality while decreasing digestion time.

TRANSFORM 800 - Microwave Digestion System This system is capable of simultaneously running up to 10 high-pressure closed vessels, providing a fast, automated method to digest even the most difficult samples.

Spectrophotometers Spectrophotometry involves the use of a spectrophotometer. A spectrophotometer is a photometer (a device for measuring light intensity) that...

Hydride Vapour Generator The VG 411 Mercury / Hydride Vapour Generator Unit provides enhanced sensitivities, reduced interferences, and extremely low detection limits for the determination of sub-trace levels of hydride-forming metals.

Universal XYZ Autosampler Aurora’s revolutionary autosampler eliminates the need to purchase multiple Autosamplers for your Atomic Absorption, Atomic Fluorescence applications and Liquid Handling requirements.

Hollow Cathode Lamps At Aurora Instruments we are committed to providing the fastest delivery of high quality, high spectral purity hollow cathode lamps and other consumable parts at the best available prices.

Online Dilution Aurora’s patented technology of online dilution for flame AAS eliminates the tedious task of manual standards preparation for AAS analysis.

Elemental Analysis Applications These applications are a partial selection of the many analytical solutions that our instruments support.

1.) Application of GFAAS to Petrochemical Samples: Optimizing Ashing Temperatures

2.) Determination of Silicon by Flame AAS

3.) Determination of Mercury in Water Samples by HG-AFS

4.) Determination of Germanium in Spring Water by HG-AFS

5.) Heavy Metal Determination

6.) Closed Vessel Digestion of Soil

7.) Closed Vessel Digestion of Fertilizer

8.) Determination of Mercury in Milk Powder by HG-AFS

9.) Determination of Selenium in Fish Meat by HG-AFS

10.) Closed Vessel Digestion of Dried Beef

11.) Closed Vessel Digestion of Tea Leaf

12.) Application of GFAAS to the Determination of Trace Metals in Blood

13.) Application Procedure for Analyzing Copper in Urine

14.) Determination of Bismuth in Cosmetics by HG-AFS

Water Purification

Water Purification Systems Ultra pure water (Type I) and pure water (Type II) is a vital resource for every scientific application. The CRYSTA Series is a line of lab water purification systems that...

CRYSTA 500 The CRYSTA 500 produces both deionized and reverse osmosis Type 2 pure water directly from tap water...

CRYSTA 1000 Highly purified water should be available for use in any lab, especially for use in high precision analytical applications such as atomic absorption spectroscopy.

CRYSTA 2000 For the most critical applications in polymerase chain reaction and high performance liquid chromatography, the Crysta 2000 water purification systems produce ultrapure Type 1 water.


OEM Intro Finding the right partner for OEM manufacturing is critical when developing unique instrumentation...

Autosampler Aurora’s revolutionary autosampler eliminates the need to purchase multiple Autosamplers for your Atomic Absorption, Atomic Fluorescence applications...

SyringePump Aurora’s OEM SyringePumps can be used for a variety of analytical, industrial and life science applications. With low maintenance, rugged design...

PeristalticPump Aurora’s OEM Peristaltic Pump is a low cost, single channel, computer-operatied system used for transferring liquids...

Cooling Bath The CB450 Cooling Bath is a re-circulating cooling bath highly recommended for laboratories that are subject to hard water conditions or do not have access to reliable running water.




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