Automated Liquid Handling
Elemental Analysis

Microwave Digestion Systems - TRANSFORM Series

Sample Preparation for Elemental Analysis

TRANSFORM 680 Microwave Digestion System

Microwave Digestion offers high-pressure and temperature systems in order to increase reaction rates and decrease digestion times for sample preparation for trace metal analysis. Aurora’s range of microwave digestion systems offers low cost solutions for easy, quick and safe sample preparation. This is ideal for environmental, agricultural, nutrition, geochemistry, petrochemical and clinical applications.

With simple one-step operation, this cost effective microwave digestion system consolidates your Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS), Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy (AFS), ICP-AES, and ICP-MS digestions into intelligent, high-speed procedures.

The TRANSFORM 800 top-loading closed vessel Microwave offers a high-pressure system to enhance digestion quality while decreasing digestion times. This system is capable of simultaneously running up to 10 high-pressure closed vessels, providing a fast, automated method to digest even the most difficult samples. With simple one-step operation and full computer control of temperature, pressure and power, this cost-effective TRANSFORM 800 consolidates your Atomic Absorption, ICP-AES, and ICP-MS applications.

Download the TRANSFORM Series Microwave Digestion Brochure:

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