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Automated Liquid Handling

VERSA 1100 Automated Nucleic Acid Preparation Workstation

Perform your nucleic acid isolation and nucleic acid purification tasks with high precision, throughput and accuracy using the VERSA 1100 NAP/PCR workstation. While these techniques are fairly common, carrying them out manually can be a laborious and dangerous task. Laboratories are facing increasing demands on their resources as testing permutations dictate an increasingly large number of samples per trial. Large sample numbers tie up staff for extended periods of time and lead to inconsistent results or repetitive strain injuries as workers struggle to keep up. In addition, technicians are frequently exposed to harmful reagents such as phenols necessary for protein removal. With such drawbacks against manual nucleic acid extraction methods, a growing number of labs are switching from manual to automated extraction solutions to overcome bottlenecks in extraction processes.

With a built-in multi-well plate shaker, temperature control, and the option of a magnetic block or a vacuum manifold, the VERSA 1100 NAP/PCR workstation performs automated nucleic acid isolation and prepares nucleic acid samples for PCR or other downstream applications. This nucleic acid preparation workstation saves expensive reagents, eliminates concerns associated with volumetric variations caused by handling errors, and processes tedious repetitive pipetting protocols.

Automated Nucleic Acid Purification

The VERSA automated nucleic acid preparation workstation and VERSAware software have been specifically designed to easily automate commercially-available extraction kits (both magnetic bead and vacuum manifold techniques) and industry recognized nucleic acid extraction protocols. This flexibility allows researchers interested in creating their own nucleic acid preparation protocols to continue to use their own customized protocols without interruption.

In addition to automating nucleic acid isolation, nucleic acid purification and PCR preparation applications, this system can also be programmed to carry out general liquid- handling tasks, such as: serial dilution, cherry picking, plate reformatting and plate replication. The VERSA 1100 NAP/PCR workstation, when housed in an appropriate bio-safety cabinet, can be utilized to handle BSL-2 and BSL-3 agents, reducing the risk of iatrogenic infections to laboratory workers. Aurora’s bio-safety cabinets are available with HEPA filtration and UV irradiation capabilities. This optional accessory is designed to maximally prevent cross-contamination.

Key Features for Nucleic Acid Isolation & Nucleic Acid Purification

Standard System Configuration:

The VERSA 1100 NAP/PCR workstation is equipped with a single robotic arm, which houses the liquid handling module. This module is equipped with a multi-channel dual SyringePipettor and an 8-channel ReagentDrop to execute all aspiration/dispensing steps associated with nucleic acid isolation protocols. Additionally, the module is outfitted with a plate gripper designed to move samples between nucleic acid purification positions (magnetic blocks or vacuum manifolds) and wash / re-suspension positions (shaker plates). This automated nucleic acid preparation system comes with a 15 position deck capacity ideal for nucleic acid isolation work. With the multi-well plate shaker, magnetic bead/vacuum manifold, reagent cooler and optional plate heater/coolers, nucleic acid purification is completed quickly and efficiently, thereby preventing sample degradation. The dynamic range of volumes handled by the VERSA workstation allows you to generate nucleic acid isolations and setup PCRs using accurate liquid handling for volumes ranging from 1µL to 1000µL. This flexibility is ideal for both small and large samples from which nucleic acid purification is needed.

Instrument Integration:

The VERSA 1100 NAP/PCR workstation supports both carousel and plate adaptors, giving researchers the flexibility to continue working with familiar third party consumables and thermocyclers. Aurora’s customized adaptors make the workstation compatible with most brands of thermal cyclers and other equipment necessary for nucleic acid purification. Additionally, this automated nucleic acid preparation workstation can be easily integrated with other complimentary instruments such as incubators and micro plate readers. This adaptability makes the VERSA 1100 NAP/PCR a quick fit that does not require specific accompanying instrumentation. Research facilities and laboratories looking to automate their nucleic acid isolation work will find this workstation to be a simple, quick and reliable solution.

Software & Deck Layout for Nucleic Acid Preparation

The VERSAware 1100 NAP/PCR workstation software is easily programmable for the preparation of nucleic acid samples. It can be used to control DNA/RNA isolation, prepare PCR master mixes, dispense nucleic acid templates, move plates from temperature control blocks to magnetic blocks, and load samples into PCR plates and strips.

The deck configurations shown are a general representation for setting up reactions for nucleic acid preparation using commercially available kits. Additional lab ware may be required depending on the setup and the individual method being performed. This system provides an ideal solution that may be easily customized to suit protocol-specific requirements. This VERSA 110 NAP/PCR workstation provides a cost-effective solution for most nucleic acid preparation, purification and isolation protocols.



Morrow KJ. Novel Methods Expedite Nucleic Acid Sample Prep. Genetic Engineering News. 2011. 31(1), 1,26,28


Genomic DNA Isolation from Blood (Promega)

Automation of Genomic DNA Isolation with VERSA 1100 NAP/PCR Setup Workstation using Aurora Biomed Inc’s Blood DNA Isolation Kit

A high quality genomic DNA preparation is essential for downstream applications. This process was automated using the Versa 1100 Nucleic Acid Purification and PCR Setup Workstation from Aurora Biomed Inc. Aurora’s AB96 Magnetic Bind Blood DNA Isolation kit (Cat # MB-7899), was used to isolate genomic DNA from pig’s blood in a 96-well format. High, sharp molecular weight DNA bands of approximately 23 kbp in size were detected by agarose gel electrophoresis. Further qualification of the extracted samples was completed by using the purified samples as templates for the amplification of β-actin. Efficient recovery of DNA was indicated by the lack of detectable nucleic acids in both the wash fluids and a second elution. The concentration of isolated gDNA was consistently between 10.0-15.0 ng/μL. download here...(pdf file 1.7MB)

For more information, please review the VERSA 1100 NAP workstation brochure or contact us directly to discuss your specific application. Thank you for considering AURORA to solve your lab automation requirements.

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