Automated Liquid Handling
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Contact Us

Head Office:

Aurora Instruments Ltd.
1001 East Pender Street Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6A 1W2
Tel: 1.800.883.2918 (North America Only)
Tel: 1.604.215.8700
Fax: 1.604.215.9700

International Contacts:

Aurora Instruments has distributors worldwide to better serve you. To inquire about the dealer closest to you, please contact our sales office. Click on the territory where you are located to send email.

Aurora currently distributes its Analytical & Life Science Products to the worldwide market. If you are interested in distributing Aurora products then please contact us with this opportunity at

Customer Support:

At Aurora Instruments, it is a top priority that our users receive strong dependable customer support. That’s why we have assembled a team of application chemists and engineers to quickly and accurately assist you with method development, thus maximizing instrument performance and minimizing instrument down times.

Phone Technical Support: (604) 215-8700 or 1-800-883-2918 (North America only)

Our engineers are experts in troubleshooting problems and ready to assist you at any time. Please have the following information ready when you call technical support.

  • Instrument model information
  • Serial Number
  • Complete details of the problem (including any error messages)

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Contact Us:

Please take a moment to provide us with information that will help us to better assist you.

* Required information

*Full Name:
US & Canada only
write 'non-us/can' if not applicable
*Phone: ex. 123456789 no dashes only numbers
*How did you hear about Aurora?
If other please provide us with specifics

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