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VERSATM Liquid Handling Workstation

Automation of Realtime PCR Setup for Fish cDNA on VERSA 10 Workstation

Plant and Animal Genome 2013

A major challenge in automated PCR technology is efficiently scaling up to high-throughput PCR using microliter volumes of cDNA samples while also ensuring low cross-contamination and high accuracy and reproducibility. Aurora Biomed Inc. has recently launched its VERSA 10 PCR Setup Workstation (Figure 1) as an answer for accurate and reproducible high-throughput PCR. In this work, real-time PCR setups for 2 trout fish genes (SF10 and SF1a) were configured using Aurora Biomed’s VERSA 10 Workstation to dispense 1 or 2 µL-volumes of cDNA template into an alternate column to check for cross-contamination. The statistical analysis from the replicates and inter-channel capabilities indicates that each of the channels reproducibly dispenses accurate volumes along the deck while conditions generate amplicons of the same size, making the VERSA 10 PCR Setup Workstation an excellent alternative for high-throughput and real-time PCR.

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Automation of the QIAamp® Blood Mini Kit using Spin Columns on VERSA 1100 NAP-PCR Setup Workstation

SLAS 2013

Nucleic acid isolation is an important upstream step of advanced molecular diagnostic applications like genotype analysis, infectious disease diagnosis and transplant engraftment assessment. A number of extraction kits have been developed which effectively purify nucleic acids from blood, urine and tissue with adequate yield and excellent purity. Aurora Biomed Inc. has validated spin column-based nucleic acid extraction on the VERSA 1100 NAP/PCR Liquid Handling Workstation by employing negative (vacuum) or positive pressure in place of centrifugation. Using the QIAamp® Blood Mini Kit, DNA was isolated from a 200 µL mouthwash sample and checked for purity and yield. The CV values yielded from both the automated (4.9%) and manual (4.7%) processes confirm that the samples were handled with uniformity during automation.

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Automated Liquid-Liquid Extraction of Copper using ACORGA® Reagent on a VERSA Mini LLE Workstation

Pittcon 2012

Liquid-liquid extraction, also known as solvent extraction and partitioning chromatography, is employed to separate compounds based on their relative solubility's in two different immiscible liquids. This is a basic technique in chemical laboratories, where it is performed using a separatory funnel, which is a cumbersome procedure when processing a large number of samples. Aurora Biomed’s automated VERSA workstation provides a simple and effective solution for analytical- and preparative- scale separation of diverse molecules like vitamin D, betacarotene, and other biomolecules.

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Validation of VERSA Mini NGLP for Automated Library Preparation with the Illumina Platform

Plant and Animal Genome 2012, Pittcon 2012

The plummeting cost of sequence acquisition that has resulted from advances in next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies has led to its use in new settings such as small research groups, contract research organizations, and the clinic. Widespread adoption of NGS is quickly approaching, in spite of an underdeveloped field of liquid handling workstations validated to complete the associated library preparation protocols. As this task requires a high number of sample manipulations, consistently reliable results depend on liquid handling automation.

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Automation of Genomic DNA Isolation with VERSA 1100 NAP/PCR Setup Workstation using Aurora Biomed Inc’s Blood DNA Isolation Kit

Plant and Animal Genome 2012

A high quality genomic DNA preparation is essential for downstream applications. This process was automated using the Versa 1100 Nucleic Acid Purification and PCR Setup Workstation from Aurora Biomed Inc. Aurora’s AB96 Magnetic Bind Blood DNA Isolation kit (Cat # MB-7899), was used to isolate genomic DNA from pig’s blood in a 96-well format. High, sharp molecular weight DNA bands of approximately 23 kbp in size were detected by agarose gel electrophoresis. Further qualification of the extracted samples was completed by using the purified samples as templates for the amplification of β-actin. Efficient recovery of DNA was indicated by the lack of detectable nucleic acids in both the wash fluids and a second elution. The concentration of isolated gDNA was consistently between 10.0-15.0 ng/μL.

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Validation of Access Genetics' Cellerate Plus™ DNA Extraction Protocol on VERSA™ Mini Workstation

SLAS 2012

PCR-based methods for the analysis of genomic DNA have become a vital component of clinical diagnostic applications. A rapid, small-scale DNA isolation method is required to take full advantage of the speed and automation potential of PCR technology. Apart from throughput and reproducibility, the quality and yield of isolated DNA from diverse types of samples, such as alcohol-based liquid Pap solutions, site directed swabs, and urine, areimportant for downstream PCR diagnostic applications. Access Genetics’ Cellerate Plus™ DNA Extraction kit was validated on Aurora Biomed Inc’s VERSA™ Mini NAP-PCR Set up Workstation. Telepathology workflow data was imported from the Access Genetics Molecular Information System (Access TeleGene™) through their customized interface. Based on imported information, the VERSA software assigns sample specific dilution, mixing and transfer volumes to each well of the extraction plate. Samples were aspirated from 10 mL tubes to 96 deep-well plates and then centrifuged so as to pellet samples. Supernatant was then aspirated to normalize cellular content and a 50:50 dilution of alcohol-based samples was performed to eliminate downstream PCR inhibition. Samples were subsequently transferred to a DNA Extraction plate containing lysis reagent and placed in a thermal cycler to initiate extraction chemistry. Upon completion of DNA extraction, samples were set up for end-point PCR detection of human papillomavirus (HPV) and a human housekeeping gene (beta-globin). The VERSA Mini NAP-PCR workstation successfully extracted DNA samples by processing multiple sample types within a single batch process. DNA was extracted successfully from all liquid pap solutions (PreservCyt®, Hologic Inc, and SurePath™, Becton Dickenson), SurePath enriched cell pellets, dry swabs, swabs in M4RT medium (Remel, Inc) and urine samples. Total extraction time was approximately 3 hours but this was dependent on the total mixture of sample types. Technical time required, inclusive of sample preparation was less than 1 hour. These data demonstrate the versatility and capabilities of the VERSA Mini NAP-PCR Set Up Workstation to decrease labor costs within a clinical diagnostic setting.

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Validation of VERSA Mini for Automated Dispensing of Agarified Plant Tissue Culture Medium, Microbial Nutrient Agar and Insect Diet into Target Vessels

Plant and Animal Genome 2012

Automated dispensing of agarified culture medium such as plant or tissue culture, microbial nutrient broth and insect diet has been difficult to achieve because of the viscous nature of these fluids. Such media tend to solidify at room temperature during dispensing. Aurora Biomed has validated the ability of the VERSA Mini Gellified-Medium Dispenser to dispense agarified liquids. Plant tissue culture, microbial nutrient broth, and insect diet were dispensed into target vessels to test the range of function. A coefficient of variance (CV%) was calculated for 500 μL of 3.6% agarified insect diet. A CV% of 2.4 and 1.8 was achieved using manual and automated methods, respectively. Similarly, the CV% of inaccuracy of the manual process was - 0.46 and 0.23 when dispensing through the VERSA Mini Gellified-Medium Dispenser. The dispense-only feature of this system eliminated the problem of having agarified fluids building up in the tip during aspiration-dispensing operations normally found in manual procedures. With a dispensing flow rate of 21.18 mL/min the VERSA Mini Gellified-Medium Dispenser filled one 24-well plate (16 mm diameter wells) with a 500 μL aliquot of insect diet in each well in 34 seconds, filling 105 plates per hour. However, increasing or decreasing the nozzle diameter allows researchers to customize the flow rate and throughput of the system to meet their specific requirements.

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Automation of Genomic DNA Isolation with Nucleic Acid Isolation Workstation using Promega's Blood DNA Isolation Kit

Society for Biomedical Sciences 2006
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Automation of Reverse Transcription of Avian Influenza Viral RNA and Detection of H5N1 with VERSA Mini PCR Setup Workstation

Pittcon 2007
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Optimization of a robotic system for automation of array printing

Lab Automation
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High-density peptide array printing and synthesis

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Automated reaction set up for B-Actin gene and whole genome amplification using VERSA Mini PCR set up workstation

Society for Biomedical Sciences
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Validation of VERSA mini PCR setup workstation for high throughput PCR

Society for Biomedical Sciences
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Development and validation of an automated workstation for HTS flux assays

Lab Automation
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Ion Channel Reader and Flux Assay

Effect on potency of drugs using Li+ as a tracer for Na+ channels

Biophysical Society Conference - Target/application: SCN5A
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Development of an HTS flux assay for stretch activated K+ Channels using ICR

PharmaDiscovery - Target/application: Stretch-activated K+ channels
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Cell based Rubidium flux assay for HTS of Kv1.3

Society for Biomedical Screening - Target/application: Kv1.3
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Cardiac safety screening service against multiple ion channels

Ion Channel Retreat - Target/application: Cardiac safety screening
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Development of HTS flux assay for Ca2+ activate chloride channels

Society for Biomedical Screening - Target/application: CaCl
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An automated system for HTS of cell-based flux assays

Ion Channel Retreat - Target/application: Automated screening
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Development of HTS cell based efflux assay for CFTR using Ion Channel Reader

Society for Biomedical Screening - Target/application: CFTR
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Development of non-fluorescent functional assays for ultra high throughput screening

Society for Biomedical Screening - Target/application: hERG
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