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Automated Liquid Handling

VERSA Gene Nucleic Acid Preparation Workstation

automated nucleic acid preparationThe VERSA™ GENE workstation can streamline your laboratory and perform automated DNA extraction and automated RNA extraction tasks. This automated liquid handing workstation performs nucleic acid purification and PCR setup for end point or real time PCR with high precision, throughput and accuracy. This system is capable of complete work-up of RNA or DNA samples from extraction through to preparation of the PCR plate for amplification, allowing researchers to move past their nucleic acid extraction bottleneck. This customized automated liquid handling workstation offers advanced robotic automation features in combination with high precision liquid handling capabilities to complete automated DNA extraction with ease.

This high-throughput workstation increases sample numbers while decreasing sample volumes, conserves expensive reagents, eliminates concerns associated with volumetric variations caused by handling errors, and automates all repetitive pipetting protocols.

The VERSA™ GENE is ideal for nucleic acid purification and is applicable to a wide range of research areas such as: disease control (avian flu, SARS, HIV), forensics (DNA fingerprinting), molecular pathology (cancer, genetic susceptibility), environment/food (GMOs and pathogen identification) and other molecular biology applications.

While this system is dedicated for nucleic acid isolation and enables researchers to automate DNA extraction and RNA extraction, the underlying versatility of the workstation allows researchers to carry out many generic liquid handling tasks such as: serial dilution, cherry picking, plate reformatting, plate replication and normalization

Instrument Integration:

All VERSA automated liquid handling systems are open platforms, thereby enabling researchers to continue with 3rd party kits and consumables they are familiar with. The VERSA GENE workstation can be easily integrated with complimentary accessories, such as orbital shakers, incubators, plate readers, plate sealers, nucleic acid quantifiers and other equipment necessary for both automated DNA extraction and automated RNA extraction, as well as other downstream applications.

Software and Deck:

VERSAware software offers intuitive drag and drop functionality and is easily programmable for nucleic acid purification protocols. It can be customized to automate genomic DNA isolation, RNA isolation, PCR master-mix preparation, addition of nucleic acid templates and addition of samples into PCR reaction plates. This instrument’s built-in plate transporter automatically moves plates between each of the deck modules. Plates may be scheduled for placement on each of the built in deck modules including the temperature control block, magnetic block and shaker block. The VERSA GENE is a complete “walk-away” solution for researchers desiring a cost-effective, high-throughput, precision automated liquid handler.

The deck configurations shown are a general representation for setting up reactions for nucleic acid preparation using commercially available kits. Additional labware may be required depending on the setup and the individual method being performed.


Automation of Genomic DNA Isolation with VERSA 1100 NAP/PCR Setup Workstation using Aurora Biomed Inc’s Blood DNA Isolation Kit

Plant and Animal Genome 2012

A high quality genomic DNA preparation is essential for downstream applications. This process was automated using the Versa 1100 Nucleic Acid Purification and PCR Setup Workstation from Aurora Biomed Inc. Aurora’s AB96 Magnetic Bind Blood DNA Isolation kit (Cat # MB-7899), was used to isolate genomic DNA from pig’s blood in a 96-well format. High, sharp molecular weight DNA bands of approximately 23 kbp in size were detected by agarose gel electrophoresis. Further qualification of the extracted samples was completed by using the purified samples as templates for the amplification of β-actin. Efficient recovery of DNA was indicated by the lack of detectable nucleic acids in both the wash fluids and a second elution. The concentration of isolated gDNA was consistently between 10.0-15.0 ng/μL. download here...(pdf file 1.5MB)

Automation of the QIAamp® Blood Mini Kit using Spin Columns on VERSA 1100 NAP-PCR Setup Workstation

SLAS 2013

Nucleic acid isolation is an important upstream step of advanced molecular diagnostic applications like genotype analysis, infectious disease diagnosis and transplant engraftment assessment. A number of extraction kits have been developed which effectively purify nucleic acids from blood, urine and tissue with adequate yield and excellent purity. Aurora Biomed Inc. has validated spin column-based nucleic acid extraction on the VERSA 1100 NAP/PCR Liquid Handling Workstation by employing negative (vacuum) or positive pressure in place of centrifugation. Using the QIAamp® Blood Mini Kit, DNA was isolated from a 200 µL mouthwash sample and checked for purity and yield. The CV values yielded from both the automated (4.9%) and manual (4.7%) processes confirm that the samples were handled with uniformity during automation. download here...(pdf file 1.5MB)

For more information, please review the VERSA GENE brochure or contact us directly to discuss your specific application. Aurora’s dedicated team of application scientists and engineers quickly and accurately assist users with method development, maximizing instrument performance while minimizing instrument down times. Thank you for considering AURORA to solve your lab automation requirements.

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