Automated Liquid Handling
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Automated Liquid Handling

VERSA Liquid Handling Applications

The VERSA Series of liquid-handling workstations are being used in many sectors for a variety of applications. The versatility of the many liquid-handling heads, deck modules, and deck size ensure that there is a VERSA system for almost every application.
We have validated our workstation for the following applications:


1) Automation of Molecular Pathology Applications on the VERSA™ 10 PCR Setup Workstation

2) Automated System for High Throughput PCR Setup

3) Genomic DNA Isolation from Blood (Promega)

4) β-Actin and Whole Genome Amplification (Sigma & Promega kits)

5) Nucleic Acid Prep for Avian Flu Viral RNA

6) HTS Flux Assay Automation

7) Liquid Liquid Extraction of β-carotene

8) Specimen Staining for TEM (Array printing)

9) High-Density Peptide Array Printing

10) DNA Isolation from Saliva (Invitek Forensic DNA Isolation Kit)

11) Hot-Start PCR using VERSA™ Mini PCR Workstation

12) Food Safety Monitoring using VERSA™ Mini NAP Workstation

13) Automation of Sample Preparation and Introduction into NMR Tubes

14) Validation of Automated Liquid Liquid Extraction of 25-hydroxy vitamin D

15) Automation of On-Slide (Amplislide) PCR Setup using VERSA™ Mini PCR Setup Workstation

16) Automated Protein Crystallography Plate Setup using VERSA™ Mini

17) VERSA™ Spotter Workstation for Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis

18) Automated Slide-Based Assay Setup using VERSA™ Mini Workstation

19) Automation of Sanger Sequencing

20) Automation of Protein Crystallography

21) Automation of Miniprep

22) Automation of DNA Microarray

23) Automation of Next Generation Sequencing

24) Automation of RNA Sequencing

25) Automation of Real time PCR

26) Automation of Reverse Transcriptase PCR

27) PCR Setup

28) Automation of DNA Extraction

29) Automation of Protein Purification