Water Purification
Water Purification

CRYSTA 2000 Lab Water Purification System

For the most critical applications in polymerase chain reaction and high performance liquid chromatography, the CRYSTA 2000 lab water purification systems produce ultrapure Type 1 water. Using high performance 5000 Doulton Ultrafilters and Double Wavelength Ultraviolet Lamps, removal of pyrogens, RNase and endotoxins ensure that the purist lab water is used for scientific experiments. By producing only the purest Type 1 critical grade water, the CRYSTA 2000 is ideal for the most demanding scientific applications in PCR and HPLC.

Key Features

  • 5000 Doulton Ultrafilters effectively remove pyrogens, RNase and endotoxins
  • Double wavelength UltraViolet Lamp at 185 nm and 254 nm oxidizes organics and yields very low total organic carbon concentrations
  • Ultrapure polishing cartridges filter out trace contaminations
  • One-button full auto sterilization of entire filtration system
  • Internal recirculation function to limit bacterial growth and adhesion of contaminants to system
  • Timed dispense mode for convenient walk away unattended operation
  • One touch automatic dispensing option in multiple modes
  • Real-time display of water resistivity, outlet temperature, total dissolved solid concentrations of inlet and outlet water, and remaining cartridge longevity
  • Auditive alarm for cartridge change when resistivity drops below users preset values

Critical Applications

  • PCR
  • Electrophoresis
  • Solid phase extraction
  • HPLC
  • TOC Analysis

For more information, please review the brochure or contact us directly to discuss your specific application. Thank you for considering AURORA to solve your lab automation requirements.

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